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Keep your pets healthy with regular wellness examinations and parasite prevention. Pet can have underlying health conditions and diseases without showing any recognizable symptoms. Early detection of these problems is important for successful treatment and control. Apart from exams, there are a number of different ways to ensure your pet lives a long and healthy life. Nutrition, parasite control, exercise, and a even tooth brushing all help your pet stay as healthy as possible.

Wellness Exams and Vaccination

Help us keep your pet healthy by bringing him or her in for regular exams and vaccinations.Dogs and cats (and other pets) age far faster than people, so significant changes in your pet’s health can happen in a short time. Wellness programs allow us to diagnose diseases and conditions early, when they’re easier to treat or manage. Often, we can help prevent diseases entirely, just by ensuring that your pet has received appropriate vaccinations and preventives.We recommend that healthy adult dogs and cats visit us once a year. Puppies, kittens, senior pets, and pets with health issues or illnesses need more frequent checkups. We’ll work with you to create a wellness program, including a vaccination and prevention protocol, for your pet. Call us today to schedule your pet’s wellness exam.

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Puppies, Kittens, and Seniors

Whether it be a brand new 8 week Maine Coon or a greying 12 year old Labrador Retriever, the age of your pet matters when it comes to their health care. Puppies and kittens are no doubt a rewarding addition, but it takes a lot of responsibility, care, and time to get them started on the right path to a long and healthy life. Those same animals will eventually mature and enter their elderly years which brings entirely different requirements to ensure they age well and maintain comfort as senior citizens. Regardless of age, we are here to help.

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External and Internal Parasites

From mange and fleas to roundworm and heartworm, there are dozens of parasites that your pet is at risk of acquiring. Most pet owners are aware that depending on the parasite, it can be a serious problem. In the Ottawa region, we have plenty of mosquitoes and ticks, making diseases like heartworm and lyme a danger to the dogs in our communities. Read below on some of the parasites we commonly find in and on our pets.

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Microchip identification is a safe and effective way to identify lost pets. We place a small microchip (about the size of a grain of rice) under the skin between the shoulder blades. It is a simple procedure and does not require sedation, but is often done when sedated at the time of spay/neuter to reduce pain. Microchip numbers are identified by a handheld scanner available at most veterinary hospitals or animal control facilities. When a lost pet is brought to our hospitals or the Humane Society, the first thing that is checked is the presence of a microchip.

4Dx Testing

We regularly screen patients for a number of tick and mosquito-borne diseases including heartworm, lyme disease, ehrlichia, and anaplasmosis using a blood test that assesses exposure. Treatment and prognosis varies based on each disease, but generally the earlier a disease is found, the easier it is to treat. We recommend yearly testing to screen for these pathogens to ensure your pet is not infected and does not have a pathogen affecting his or her health.

Nutritional Counselling

Nutritional needs vary for different species, breeds, ages and health conditions. Choosing an appropriate diet can set your pet on a path of lifelong good nutrition and help prevent and treat many problems, including allergies, nutritional deficiencies, skin and coat disorders, urinary problems, obesity, and periodontal disease. We work with our clients to help them make informed dietary choices for their pets. From puppies and kittens to seniors, we provide advice and recommendations on how to use food to nourish your pet and optimize wellness.

Pet Export and Travel

Over the years there has been an increase in international travel with our pets. Some countries only require a Health Certificate along with proof of vaccination while other counties can have a varied number of steps prior to giving your pet admittance. We can assist you in getting any treatments, vaccines or lab work needed along with the paperwork ready for your trip. Due to the varied and often changing requirements of each country, it is the owner’s responsibility to research and make sure they have all documents and requirements ready before coming in for their appointment.